Comprehensive Guide to Using the Virtual GM Interface

Discover how to master the Virtual GM Interface and embark on epic text adventures with this comprehensive guide.

Understanding the Differences Between Our Test and Production AI Engines for VGM

At Virtual Game Master (VGM), we use two distinct AI engines—Spark and Vanguard—to deliver dynamic storytelling experiences. This post explains their unique roles in enhancing our platform.

Virtual Game Master Enters Closed Alpha

We're thrilled to announce a major milestone for Virtual Game Master (VGM). Our promising early prototypes are ready for testing, and we’re inviting a limited number of Alpha Testers to join us.

Behind the Scenes: The Latest Progress on Virtual Game Master

Unlock the latest in AI-driven adventures with Virtual Game Master (VGM): new features, challenges overcome, and a peek into the future.

Patch Notes: Storyteller v0.1.1

Virtual GM "Storyteller" v0.1.1 Update: Embarking on New Adventures