About Us

Our Story

At Virtual GM, we're passionate gamers, tech tinkerers, and programmers who found inspiration in the world of Artificial Intelligence. Our journey began with a simple question: Could AI, particularly ChatGPT, be harnessed to create immersive RPG adventures? The answer led us to embark on a fascinating adventure of our own.

The Spark of Innovation

As we experimented with AI, we quickly discovered that ChatGPT possessed a unique talent – storytelling. It had the potential to craft compelling narratives that could transport players to fantastical realms. We were captivated and saw an opportunity to fuse our love for gaming with the possibilities of AI.

A Quest for Excellence

Our initial tests were promising, but we faced a common challenge – the AI's tendency to forget crucial details. Items vanished from inventories, and mission objectives faded into obscurity. We knew we needed to bridge the gap between storytelling and gaming. And thus, the concept of the Virtual GM Bot was born.

The Birth of Virtual GM

With a burning desire to create a true AI text adventure, we set to work. We developed a system that would never forget, ensuring that character details, inventory, and story elements remained persistent. We added new features like inventory management, unpredictable random events, and structured combat. The result? A prototype that exceeded our wildest expectations.

The Future Awaits

Now, we're on a quest to share our creation with the world. Our web-based platform is designed to offer you an unparalleled RPG experience. As we look ahead, we envision a vibrant community of adventurers shaping their destinies within the dynamic worlds of Virtual GM.

Join Us on This Epic Journey

Whether you're a seasoned gamer, a tech enthusiast, or simply someone seeking thrilling adventures, Virtual GM welcomes you. Together, we'll craft stories, explore uncharted territories, and redefine what's possible in the world of AI-driven gaming.


Production Credits

- Frank Succardi: Project Creator, Programmer, Producer
- Brandie Succardi: Creative Design Consultant, Livestream Manager

We extend our sincere appreciation to everyone who has played a role in the development and success of this project. Your support, creativity, and valuable insights have been instrumental in bringing our vision to life.



Thank You, Noble Patrons!

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your generous support.

Your contributions are the backbone of our project, and they enable me to keep creating and improving the Virtual Game Master.

From Imperial Nobles to Imperial Viscounts, your support has elevated you to esteemed positions within our virtual realm.

Your dedication and belief in my project mean the world to me. I'm excited to continue this journey, crafting exciting adventures and exploring endless possibilities with your support. Thank you for being a part of this project and for making the Virtual Game Master possible. Your support inspires me every day.

Warm regards,
Frank Succardi

Patreon Sponsors

Imperial Viscount
Ethan Burdeau

Imperial Marquis
Orwellian Horseman of the Apocalypse

Imperial Baronets
Adrian Morgan
Jeremy Rector
Donald G Lower

Imperial Knight
Omer Golan-Joel

Imperial Nobles
Jay Turley
Bryan Gough

Imperial Citizen
Jeffrey Kazmierski

Join our Patreon community and help shape the future of the Virtual Game Master. Your support makes a world of difference!

Community Thanks!

I want to thank a few people from our community:

Sector - for always lurking and being a reliable source of valuable feedback and sometimes comic relief - thank you!

Extreme Strategy - my friend and fellow content creator who has kept me company and performed the duties of sounding board and digital DJ in the lab as we co-work on our individual projects - thank you!

Destero - my long-time friend and fellow content creator who is always there with an encouraging attitude and willingness to test things out and listen to my crazy ideas - thank you!

Veruliyam Arisen - probably the most active member of our online community.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and support!

Wizard Wombat - the first (and so far only) community member to meet me in real life.  We had dinner and I think that's awesome- thank you for your support on The Crucible and other projects!


Contact Us

Have questions, feedback, or ideas to share? We'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us at  support@cyborgprime.com.

Join Us!

Join our Discord server and become part of the Virtual Game Master community! Connect with fellow adventurers and stay updated on the latest developments.